
About the Gallery

“What does it mean to be black?” is one of the main questions centered around the exhibit “Unapologetically Noir.” Featuring over 30 photographs of black men and women from all walks of life, Anderson showcases diverse physical and mental characteristics of the participants.

Inspired by the documentary “The Black Catholic Experience” by community activist Elaine Castellanos, this exhibition combines answers to an array of personal questions along with the medium of photography to create an environment where the subject’s differences are not only highlighted but celebrated. The vision is to expand the gallery with more subjects to further the conversation on the topic of “What does it mean to be black” and broaden the often-narrow views associated with it.

Although there are numerous divides across the country, this exhibit aims to celebrate the African American culture and continue to instill a sense of pride throughout the community. Unapologetically Noir aims to demonstrate how the medium of photography can be an essential cultural tool in spreading information across our everchanging landscape.

Unapologetically Noir Online Gallery

In order to view the participants responses please view the page with a computer or tablet.

For those who enjoyed the concept and would like to be a part of the online gallery, this is your opportunity. Please fill out the questionnaire below, and efforts to capture your photograph will be communicated in a follow-up email.

Unapologetically Noir Questionnaire